Thursday, January 13, 2011

Colorado For Real??

So Colorado did it again and upset KState just last night and KU pulled off the win over Iowa State... really no big surprise considering they are pretty non-existance
What happened to KState they were looking good for a solid couple weeks but now they have lost 2 back to back games and Colorado won 2 pretty big games in a row are they a legit team or just getting lucky?

And what about the south? Is Oklahoma just going to run away with it?

@TheGiant no bias but if it will make you happier I will see what I can do about the "mizzou" color...

@bubbamack I agree mizzou is pretty good when they are shooting well and getting turnovers but cant that be said for every team? I mean look at Colorado these last few weeks!


  1. Colorado at home is a tough place to play and the tigers always seem to have trouble there. Meanwhile, black and gold took care of lowly nebraska. Its not like anyone cares about nebraska basketball anyway.

    Just ask avid nebraska fan andy linafelter.

    "Fuck. Basketball? Please. Maybe put pelini at courtside and I would pay attention. O fuck yeah. Talk to me when womens volleyball starts. talk about some chicks that got game. fuck yeah."

    Its not so much Colorado being legit as it might be K-State not being as good as they thought they were. 3:1 odds Frank Martin has no hair left 3 years from now. 4:1 odds he pops a blood vessel before March Madness even starts.

    Meanwhile, it appears KU fans have come out of hibernation now that basketball season has started. It may be 10 degrees outside right now but the weather always looks far for Jayhawk fans ya dig?

    -PJ da DJ

  2. At the rate K-State, is moving, it’s hard to call them losing to Colorado an upset… K-State, if the trend continues, will be lucky to make the NCAA tournament. And I hope for their sake they do. Especially since, their star Jacob Pullen has already expressed to the Kansas City Start that he will not play if they only make the NIT.

    To make things worse for the Wildcats, after falling from projections to win the Big 12 this year and dropping to 21st in the nation, junior center Freddy Asprilla is leaving the team to pursue professional basketball in Colombia. (No not Columbia, MO, as you crazy tiger fans may be wishing for, but the country in South America.)
    And while Colorado continues to go out with a vengeance against the closest team in the conference to them, I can only suspect that the departure of both Colorado and Nebraska will only benefit the Big 12 conference’s RPI, especially in basketball. (Both teams are bottom of the barrel in Big 12 basketball, c’mon.)

    @Patrick – Yes we, lowly Jayhawkers, are finally making our voices heard in a boisterous fashion. While not all, slumber during the summer and fall months, there is definitely an increase in numbers come winter, just as the opposite is true with the destitute Cornhuskers. Mock us as you may, I would like to point out one little fact and I’m sure Husker fans would agree: I would rather be great at one thing, and terrible at others, than to remain in the pool of mediocrity going unnoticed and unspoken of by the rest of society…
