Sunday, January 30, 2011

So Wrong...

WOW! I could not have been more wrong in my predictions about this weekend. I mean MU did not even show up to play Texas and KU did not let KState even have a close enough game to have a chance in the fourth like I thought they would. KU came out looking peeved about their loss to Texas and KState was the red headed step child in the way to receive the bruising from pissed off Dad(KU).

MU did not even look like they were playing defense against Texas and so Texas had their way with another team from the North this weekend and made the "strong" North look just pathetic again.

So in tribute to KU making a come back this weekend and looking like the top team again here is a little clip that many fans may recognize. And yes Texas should have the video of the week but I could not find a decent one so KU gets it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Big Weekend Ahead!

So we got 2 big match ups coming up. The rivalry of Ku vs KState which hopefully should be a good game and the match up of Mizzou vs. Texas, also which I am looking forward to.

My predictions:
KState and Mizzou come out on top. Why? KU still doesnt seem to have their deal sealing game locked up and they leave way too much to chance in the fourth quarter. Kstate is coming off some bad losses recently and I feel will come with fire in the rivalry game to put them back in the runnings, if thats even possible.
Mizzou has a lot to gain from this game with Texas seeing as how Texas was the only team to beat Kansas this year and Mizzou will want to beat them to show they can compete with KU. I dont really see Texas having any threat weapons that Mizzous stalwart defense cant handle but I will say itll be a shoot out and the team that can capitalize on the turn overs will pull this one out.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

KU beats CU

So Colorado has been on a roll beating every team in the North and making the underdog look like a good choice to root for. Luckily, KU last night put a little balance back into the universe by beating CU although it was still a 3 point game but a win is a win.

Why is that CU seems to always be the underdog every year even though they pull off big wins like over MU and KState on a regular basis?

Why is that KU cannot put a game away by more than 3-5 points these days?

Monday, January 24, 2011

How I Got Interested in Big XII

I got interested in the Big 12 first as just an avid fan. My family have always talked and ranted about the KU vs MU rivalry whether it was football or basketball. When my love for football flourished my dreams of going to a Div. 1 college for sports became to creep in my mind. I watched all the K-State games and Nebraska games and watch the Texas teams go to bowl games after bowl games. I could not get enough of it and then once March hit every year I started getting really excited once KU started staking their names in the championship rounds. So that is just a little about my interest and how I came to be a die hard Big XII fan. Feel free to share your own tale.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

2 Close ones...

Thats right we are talking about the KU vs Nebraska game and the MU vs Texas A&M.

Nebraska put up an amazing performance against KU which I am sure no one expected them to do, did anyone see a 3 point game being a result of the matchup??

Texas A&M upset MU as well the other day in another 3 point win. Is Texas A&M a contendor for the south at all at this point because I am still thinking that Oklahoma is the only threat to the north.

MU has lost their last 3 games and can not seem to pull off a close or late game win, is this just me or are they really fallingm apart in everyone else's eyes?

I believe that if MU still wants to be taken seriosuly in the North they need to take a lesson from KU and learn how to finish a game out and actually win.

Point goes to KU in my book for staying solid even in close ones

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Colorado For Real??

So Colorado did it again and upset KState just last night and KU pulled off the win over Iowa State... really no big surprise considering they are pretty non-existance
What happened to KState they were looking good for a solid couple weeks but now they have lost 2 back to back games and Colorado won 2 pretty big games in a row are they a legit team or just getting lucky?

And what about the south? Is Oklahoma just going to run away with it?

@TheGiant no bias but if it will make you happier I will see what I can do about the "mizzou" color...

@bubbamack I agree mizzou is pretty good when they are shooting well and getting turnovers but cant that be said for every team? I mean look at Colorado these last few weeks!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Blog

Big 12 Sports! I can't get enough of them. Well since football season is officially over I guess we can start this blog off by talking about basketball season! March is right around the corner and who is favoring who to make the tournament? Win the North? Win the South? Win the Big 12? Lets see some arguments on who is the best in the big 12 and who has the easiest schedule going into the tournament.

K-State was favored in the North to win going into last weekend before they lost to Ok St and they have Colorado tonight who just beat Mizzou.

KState over rated, under rated and do you think they'll roll over Colorado?