Monday, March 7, 2011


To no ones surprise, I'm sure, Kansas beat MU. The #2 team in the nation should beat the #22 team in the nation BUT luckily it was a pretty good game.

Missouri actually had the lead over KU early on in the first half and KU got up about 14 points at one moment but if you didnt see the score it got close. Only a 4 point split to decide this one folks. 70-66 the final.

How about the coverage mess up though eh? People in Columbia and Kansas City got cut out of the last 3-4 mins because cbs switched coverage to the Michigan vs. Michigan St game. I guess they have a good rivalry but KU vs MU switched!? Two ranked teams switched?! Technical difficulties my behind. Fail CBS!


  1. kansas should have put the game away earlier in the 2nd half but they had 24 turnovers which was more then their avg or 6 a game. and to add their 3pt game was never there so another reason for the low score. but yes a good game just not a good game for kansas seeing how the first meeting was a bigger deficit.

  2. I would be inclined to agree, however, even with Kansas' bad playing they were never going to lose with Missouri only shooting 23% from the floor. Even if Missouri managed to cause even more turn-overs they could not capitalize in this game even though they are rumored to have one of the strongest transission games in the NCAA. Missouri's defense was stellar but neither team showed up to play offense in this one and so of course Kansas was the more dominate team.
