Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Must Be Baseball Season

So did a little looking around and even though it is early we have our clear favorites for the big 12 to make the tournament.

Here we go:

1: Texas, apparently they are thought to have the best pitching core this year.
2: Oklahoma, strong argument for first by some's standards
3: Texas A&M, also a good pitching core and could easily swing into 1st or 2nd
3: Oklahoma State
4: Baylor
5: Texas Tech

So there you have it! The projections are done now we have to see how the games play out.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jay Birds Upset??

So KU fans still are angry about the VCU Rams beating them and having to take the flack for it. All I hear the KU fans say is "Where was Mizzou and Nebraska?" "Oh yeah they lost first round or did not make it."

I am going to say this for the last time. Yes KU went farther but it is still a lose, lose situation for KU because they were a 1 seed! They lost to an 11 seed. Basketball is their primary sport! They were favored to win the whole tournament. NO ONE SAW MU OR TEXAS A&M GOING ANYWHERE! That is it. It is like MU or Texas losing to Missouri State or Northwest in football. MU and Texas are football schools and everyone knows this.

In the end, suck it up Jay bird fans you'll get your time to give the crap back when football season comes.

Mizzou fans just because VCU wore black and gold does not make it a victory for you too. You lost in the first round to Cinnci, stop talking crap.

Everyone else unless you are a VCU fan and were before the KU game, stop talking about the week and half old game. VCU lost to Butler.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mizzou Falls

Mizzou has just been a disappointment this year for anyone who wanted to try to be a fan. No big wins really they lost to their rival, KU, did not show up for the big 12 tournament and somehow managed to get a NCAA tournament birth only to get outted in the first round after having a demanding lead. 16-2 I believe it was or something close to it? How cold do you have to get and how bad does your team have to shoot? Do not even mention the rebounding because it was non-existant. Stupid Tigers looks like its gonna be another Jayhawk spring..... but thats pretty normal anymore...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Calm Before the Storm

So in just about 2 more days the shiza will hit the fan and tv's will be wheeled into lunch rooms every where to watch the magic of march madness happen. I know in my school and a lot of others that during march they would watch the games in class! You have to love this season.

Coming up first you have the games between UAB and Clemson then USC vs. UVC to decide who makes will make up the last two spots in the tournament. I am betting its Clemson and USC that will make up the last seeds but I personnally do not think either team will make it out of the first round.

Hope those brackets are filled out because the deadline is closing in to get them in.

I wonder how much betting goes on in March...

Monday, March 14, 2011

KU Does It Again!

KU played Texas for the Big 12 Championship and yet again Kansas prevailed. It was a pretty good game but Texas just could not finish out in the end. Kansas won 85-73 after being outscored in the 2nd half. Hamilton of Texas posted 21 points and Taylor for Kansas lead the team with 20. "Supposedly" the only reason Kansas lost was because Robinson, I believe, had his mother pass away the night before they played Texas the first time and the team was up till 5 in the morning so they were not at their peak. But who is to say what is myth and fact. Either way KU won when it mattered.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Big 12 Tourney Under Way

So the Big 12 Tournament started yesterday and we already have our casualties. The first games were all pretty close minus Oklahoma who dominated Baylor. Oklahoma St pulled off the win over Nebraska by 1, Colorado only beat ISU by 2, and Missouri only beat Texas Tech by 2!!! The only underdog to really win, however, was Oklahoma who was ranked a 10 seed and Baylor a 7. Technically, Okie St. was an upset as well but not a very big one as they were the 9 vs 8 game.

Well 4 down already and we've got 4 more tonight as we proceed into round 2 of the Big 12 tourney. We have Kansas vs. Okie State, KState vs. Colorado, Oklahoma vs Texas, and wrapping up the night we have Texas A&M vs. Missouri. These all look like they could be very good games and I really cannot say that I favor anyone team over their opponent.

If I had to make a prediction I would say Okie State wins mainly because I think Kansas throws this tourney every year to focus on the NCAA tourney. KState will win due to the way they are playing right now. Texas wins for obvious reasons I feel and A&M outs Missouri because MU has been playing horribly as of late. Those are my predictions and I am sticking to them. Out.

Monday, March 7, 2011


To no ones surprise, I'm sure, Kansas beat MU. The #2 team in the nation should beat the #22 team in the nation BUT luckily it was a pretty good game.

Missouri actually had the lead over KU early on in the first half and KU got up about 14 points at one moment but if you didnt see the score it got close. Only a 4 point split to decide this one folks. 70-66 the final.

How about the coverage mess up though eh? People in Columbia and Kansas City got cut out of the last 3-4 mins because cbs switched coverage to the Michigan vs. Michigan St game. I guess they have a good rivalry but KU vs MU switched!? Two ranked teams switched?! Technical difficulties my behind. Fail CBS!