Monday, February 28, 2011

One By One Unless Your Kansas

It seems like all the top teams were losing again this week except Kansas who pulled off a relatively easy win over Oklahoma.

KState kept their tournament hopes alive by upsetting Mizzouri although KState did have the home field advantage.

Texas lost to Colorado which was an even bigger upset AND Texas A&M lost to BAYLOR!!!

If you were a ranked Big 12 team this week you were not looking very favorable unless you sported the red and blue...

Ohio State lost, Pitt lost, and Duke lost just some other notable losses this week.

Good news is we still have some good looking match ups for this week. KState has Texas and Mizzou Nebraska and Kansas plays Texas A&M. Looks like we are lined up for some more upset possibly.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

All Top Teams On a Down Turn

Seems like everybody who was ranked in the top half this week went down hard in what should have been easy wins. Nebraska was unranked and they took down Texas and KU lost just the week before and now if you look outside the conference Purdue took down Ohio State and St Johns has beat Duke and Pittsburgh.

With these kinds of upsets going on just before the beginning of the tournament anything could happen and I am looking forward to it!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another Southerner Falls to the North

Mizzou and Denmon do it again. Regardless of Denmons new beauty mark he still put up 20 points in the MU vs Texas Tech game. Tech is either not very good this year or just cannot show up to play this year. Granted they do not have many good wins they are still a representative of the south and like Iowa State from the north every one has a weak spot, no offense Tech but basketball just does not seem to be your sport.

KU goes down...

Okay my prediction are officially a curse.. I predict KU to win and they lose I predict KState to win and they lose...

I apologize KU but like I have been saying when you shoot under 60% you are not any better than any other team.

KU just had another off night in my book and will probably bounce back and dominate whoever you they play next.

Monday, February 14, 2011

KState: Do or Die Time

KState plays rival KU tonight and there chances of making the tourney this year will be decided by this match up. KU is at the top of their game and is showing no signs up not showing up tonight to play. KState however does seem to show up for rivalry games so we could have a good one on our hands.

My prediction KU takes it by 15, theyre just that good.

Texas is Numero Uno

Not nationally but in the Big 12 Texas has turned it on this season. Since beating KU at KU they havent lost a game. They are number 1 in the Big 12 and look to win the conference title unless KU can take it away or Texas starts throwing some games.

A&M is third in the Big 12 only have losing to Texas in the South and why they have been playing good there is no way that they will come up over Texas in the next couple weeks.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Blue is Better Than Gold

So KU what can be said? Beat Nebs and MU within 3 days. Shooting 60% from all over the court. Oh, wait, not at the 12-15 mark like the free throw line. WHAT!? How can you drop 3 balls like a beast and not make your free throws? Beyond that though they seem unbeatable.

MU kept with them until the foul trouble bit them in the butt and KU just pulled away like usually to break 100 points! Nice job Jayhawks, well played.

Nebraska stuck with them until about the 7 or 5 minute mark in the second half. Good effort Red but once again well played Rock Chalkers.

So Texas is the only rival to KU apparently... yawn... but hey at least KU is fun to watch.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Seeing RED!

So I made it. Drove all the way up to Lincoln for the ku vs nebs game. I honestly don't think the Huskers have a chance with the way KU has been playing lately but we shall see what happens. I'm just hoping for a good showing. Game time though I'll blog back later.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

One More Month

Just one more month and its March and everyone knows what that means... MARCH MADNESS!!

Alright well KU seems to be back on track in their true form and fashion and Missouri seems to be doing the exact opposite, sucking. I would not be surprised if after losing the other night to Okie State if Missouri drops out of the top 25 talk about a pathetic month.

In the south A&M actually is on top although Texas U has been pulling off some impressive wins lately. Do you think A&M will be able to hold on to the lead or are they just waiting to get the reigns taken from them? Will KU stay flawless from here on out?